What can impact the valuation and price of my vehicle?
When you enter your vehicle's details on Motorway, we will provide a valuation based on the basic details of the make, model, age, and mileage of the car assuming it is in excellent condition.
The key areas that impact the value of your car are:
Vehicles that have lower mileage are typically more valuable because it's the best indication of how much the car has been used - and, therefore, the likely condition of the engine, interior, and exterior of the vehicle.
The average UK car driver drives between 8,000 to 15,000 miles per year for commuting and leisure purposes combined.
Driving cars on UK roads means that over time they often pick up stone chips, dents, and scratches. Car parks and high kerbs can also create imperfections, especially to wheels.
Being clear and up-front about the condition of your car during our profiling step enables us to price your car accurately with a 'reserve price' and reduces the risk of any issues on the day your car is collected.
Motorway helps you capture the condition of your car through an online form and an easy-to-use photo link.
Service history
Vehicles that have had all services completed in line with the required manufacturer service intervals are more valuable as they will have been checked and maintained by a qualified mechanic or engineer.
So if your service history is full and up to date, a dealer can assume the car is of good quality and is ready to drive.
The value of a car with a full service history will be higher than the same car with a partial or missing service history.
All vehicles must have a valid MOT. A recent MOT indicates that your vehicle is safe to be driven on the roads and give dealers more confidence to place offers.
Number of previous owners
Typically, the lower the previous number of owners, the better it is for your valuation. If your car has only been owned by you, then that is the best situation, however, it is not uncommon for a car to have had multiple owners.
We can find offers from dealers irrespective of the number of car owners. You should see the number of owners of cars in your V5C document.
Vehicle colour
Colour can play a small part in the valuation of your vehicle as some colours are more desirable than others – and this may be reflected in the number of offers you receive for your vehicle.
Neutral or standard colours such as blue, grey, or black are popular in the used car market – pink or orange vehicles are not so in-demand.
Your location
Your vehicle's location might impact the valuation. Vehicles in remote locations are more costly for the dealer to collect and transport.
Insurance write-offs
If your vehicle has been involved in an accident, then it may be classed as a 'write-off' by your insurance company and given a 'category' status with a single letter. What this means is that your vehicle cannot be fixed economically, and so repairs are not worthwhile.
Your vehicle may be worth more as parts or by selling it for scrap metal.
Dealers who work with Motorway do not buy category A, B, S or N cars, but we can recommend an online buyer who will buy written-off vehicles If you are unsure about your vehicle's status, enter your reg on the Motorway homepage and we will provide more information.
You can also contact our Customer Service Team at any time.
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